Making money with nothing more than your digital camera and some talent can be a great way to bring in some extra income. In this guide we will give you an introduction in doing just that.
What you will need:
I guess the obvious thing to state here is a digital camera! Although don't rule out using a 35mm camera just yet. The digital camera does provide many benefits over the film camera with fewer overheads, but it is still very realistic to use a film camera to do the same thing. After all people have been doing it for over a century.
Although most digital cameras these days provide a superior image when used, there are several features that you should look out for to help get the most out of your pictures;
Optical zoom - to get some great zoom shots if needed
A camera that has a resolution in excess of 3 - 4 megapixels or more. This is primarily to meet your image quality and printing needs. It is hugely beneficial if a customer wants a nice large print of a photograph or if you need to crop an image. The more megapixels the more freedom you have to do this without losing image quality
An LCD monitor - great for reviewing shots as you take them. But make sure it is easily viewable in all light conditions especially if your camera doesn't have a viewfinder.
A macro mode to allow for close-up shots.
A focus assist lamp - this is a usually a visible light that comes on to help the camera focus before taking a shot in lower lighting conditions.
Thats primarily all of the equipment you need to get started. But what skills do you need with your camera$%: Sometimes taking the perfect picture isn't always easy, so this next section will provide you with a few tips and tricks to help you get started.
Quite often when taking a photograph people literally 'push' the camera button, moving the camera and blurring the image. Instead try squeezing the camera. Pushing the camera upwards as you push down the button. This should help steady the camera and avoid the blur.
When taking formal photographs of people try to take two very quick photographs; one when everyone is poised and ready for the photo and the other immediately after you have taken the first. This is because people tend to relax after the shot has been taken and you may catch them in a much more natural pose.
Take more than one shot of the important photographs. This is because a lot can go wrong when taking a photograph, from someone looking the other way or kids pulling faces at the camera. Taking several can allow you pick the best and throw away all of the rest.
When taking photographs of people try to pick a neutral background that won't distract too much attention from the people in it.
Landscape photographs can quite often turn out plain and boring when taken mid-day. So, try to take them in the early morning or late afternoon when the shadows stretch further along the ground. This will create a much more atmospheric and interesting photograph
Now we have covered the basics of equipment and some tips on how to catch those special moments or locations. But now you have these beautiful photographs how can you make any money from them$%:
One way is to setup a website and host your images online. Allowing people to see just exactly what you offer before they hire you. This is often a great way to attract extra business. People always love to try before they buy, so including a wide range of some of your best, high quality images will often give excellent proof of what you can do, enticing the prospective client into hiring you.
If you can't build the site yourself, don't worry! All is not lost yet. There are a plethora of online sites that will host your images some for free and some that charge. This is all down to personal preference, picking the host that best suits your needs. Google is your best weapon in this battle. Querying for 'image' or 'picture hosting' will bring the you back a list so you can start to select the most suitable candidates from.
That's the more modern age approach to getting yourself noticed, but don't underestimate the simple word of mouth. Taking some great wedding photos free for friends and family can lead to good referrals and being hired by clients who want you at their special occasion. Ask yourself now - with your network of friends and family are their any upcoming opportunities for you to be the photographer$%: There are many other approaches to take down the more traditional route each with its pros and cons, but none the less still effective. Below is a small list of just a few;
Placing adds in your local shops or newspapers. This has the added bonus of not always having to travel far when looking for business.
getting yourself listed in your local business directory
I'm sure there are many more places you could think of yourself, these a just a gentle pointer in the right direction.
Now we have discussed the ways you can get your work noticed by prospective clients. But situations can arise where you can take your camera and take some photographs you can make for sale. Fund raises or special hosted events are a great place to take some profitable shots.
Newspapers are always interested in the best 'scoop' photographs, so why can't they be yours$%:
The truth is business for the photographer is abundant if you know where to look. Keeping a varied portfolio will also help keep you in business as photography can be seasonal. For example, there will be fewer fayres and weddings to get some great money making shots in the winter than in the summer. But like-wise in the winter there will be a greater opportunity for more festive themed shots, such as for family portraits on Christmas cards or dazzling fireworks display in November. There is no need to limit yourself.
I hope this has wet your appetite and provided a brief introduction into turning a pleasurable hobby into a living.
Thanks for reading.